about me

My name is Xavier I love to play sports I like to skate I love to eat junk food and stay up late. I really love to play video games. I really don't like when kids or people don't appreciate what they have. My favorite food is pizza. I have a brother and sister. I am the middle child cause my sister is older and my brother is younger than me. My favorite sports team is golden state. I love using tech like a phone iPod or something. I always need to have internet if I don't I freak out because then I can't play video games use a phone or iPod. I love collecting shoes like nikes Jordan's addidas it is just a really fun hobby to have or do. So that was things about me that I love don't love.

1 comment:

  1. What is your favorite video game? Do you play with people you know or just random people online? Also, do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
