Monday, September 11, 2017

Inside out

One day during a hot summer day me and my family were inside our cool air conditioned house. If you are wondering why we were inside,it was because it was way to hot to do anything outside that day. So me and my brother decided to play video games and the video game we played was nba2k16.Also if you are wonder what that is it is a basketball game. Our controllers require batteries and my brother was mad and his controller had run out of juice so he took out his batteries and threw them at my head. So like any person I was really mad at home so I chased him around our house.

So I caught up to him but he got away mean while my mom told us to stop but we didn't so we kept running and running finally I caught up to him and I grabbed him by the hand and asked him why he had done what he did. Guess his answer ill wait, his answer was I don't know. So that me even more than I already was. My mom told us to stop again we didn't. So my mom by this time she mad so she sat us down on the sofa and told us that we were going to be grounded and there was no way were going to get out of being grounded.

So my mom grounded me for 2 weeks no video games and my brother was also grounded for 2 weeks no video know   Iwas mad and going to be bored for 2 weeks and so was my brother. So me and my brother forgave each other and moved on with our lives because no brother and sister or brother brother are going to be mad for ever because they are your sister and brother you are bound to get over the arguement. So the thing that I'm trying to get across to anybody who is reading this is that every person who has a sibling is always going to get into a fight with them no matter what. But when you do get into an arguement in the end just make sure you get over it cause even if you are mad for a little while. You will still get over it even if don't want to!

1 comment:

  1. I fight with my sister all the time and we still do
